Move It

Kevin Lockette is a physical therapist from Hawaii who has been most influential in generating suggestions for how to improve mobility and reduce freezing. He has been a guest on Parkinsons Recovery radio several times and was a presenter at the Parkinsons Recovery Summit in Santa Fe. As you can see by a copy of his correspondence below, he is making his ground breaking book Move It available to everyone for free. It is a true treasure.

Click below to download a free copy of Kevin Lockette’s marvelous book Move It.



I have been working with the Parkinson’s community for over 20 years. I have completed many projects for this population including designing exercise programs specific for people with Parkinson’s that are are At all the YMCAs on the islands, lecturing nationally on physical activity and Parkinson’s disease, and producing a book and DVD. I have been on the Board of Directors for the Hawaii Parkinson’s Association for over 10 years. Last year I finished my term as president and I am now a volunteer running a support group once a month.

The reason I am contacting you is that some of my past work has already lived a life but still relevant. I would like to donate my book for download for free or for a donation to your projects. It’s up to you what you want to do with it. I am attaching a PDF file of my MOVE IT book. Feel free to distribute to your members at no cost or for donation for causes that you are working on within this community. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Kevin Lockette

Farias Technique: Dismantle the Wall that Obstructs Effortless Mobility

Ever heard of the Farias Technique? I just heard about it and am eager to learn more. I invited Dr. Farias to be a guest on the radio show.

He argues that the underlying issue with mobility challenges concerns forgetting. Through training, we can help our body remember how to walk again. Nothing is broken. We are just accessing the wrong neural pathways.

No medicines are needed to change the channel. No surgeries are required.

I may well not be successful in recruiting him to be a guest on the radio show, but at a minimum, listen to the 7 minutes video on his website. It will infuse you with a rush of positive energy and “knowing” that recovery is possible now.

His website and the video:
