Source of Reliable CBD

I hosted a company on the radio show over a year ago that sold a reliable source of CBD – CBDLibre.  Many listeners in my radio listening audience (and members here) reported welcome relief from using their products. I just discovered they are no longer in business. Many companies sprung up over the past year. The competition is fierce.

Over the past week I received a large number of inquiries asking about a reliable source of CBD.  At this point, I do not have a source I can recommend. I am researching a reliable source at this time. There are many scams out there these days. Many companies that sell CBD are selling a bogus product. Be weary.

Feedback I have received is that a low concentration of CBD (say 100 mg or 200 mg) often offers little to no relieve. High doses seem to result in better outcomes. I am hoping to find a reliable source that manufactures a product with high doses (perhaps as much as 1000 to 1500 mg).

I will let you know when I find a company I am comfortable in recommending. People were very happy with the CBDLibre product. They are just no longer in business.



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